Getting Started

Welcome to Our Demo PWA
Our demo PWA is a simple note taking app. Please feel free to make an account and test out the app on desktop and mobile! The data in this app (user accounts and note data) is removed every few hours.
What is a PWA
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a website that has been enhanced with modern technologies to be more reliable and optimized for any user on any device. PWA's can be installed and since they use the same code base as your website they are easy to maintain. Learn More
Other PWA Examples
PWA's are becoming widely used and major services like Starbucks, Uber, Spotify, YouTube, and Pinterest all have PWA's available to install. These services have reported huge benefits from PWA's. For example, Pinterest's PWA led to a 44% increase in user generated revenue. Learn More

Getting Started

Welcome to Our Demo PWA
Our demo PWA is a simple note taking app. Please feel free to make an account and test out the app on desktop and mobile! The data in this app (user accounts and note data) is removed every few hours.
What is a PWA
A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a website that has been enhanced with modern technologies to be more reliable and optimized for any user on any device. PWA's can be installed and since they use the same code base as your website they are easy to maintain. Learn More
Other PWA Examples
PWA's are becoming widely used and major services like Starbucks, Uber, Spotify, YouTube, and Pinterest all have PWA's available to install. These services have reported huge benefits from PWA's. For example, Pinterest's PWA led to a 44% increase in user generated revenue. Learn More

Create A Note To Get Started!